Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well, we have some news!! No, Grant isn't here yet, but it won't be long! We went to the doctor today, and we talked about Grant's size and weight. I asked if there was any way to move us up a week, given his size as of last week. He said he was going to talk to us about it, and see what we decided! Being a mutual decision between me and the Doc, we decided not to wait an extra week. So, if we don't have him before, they are going to induce me on Sunday night- Yes, that's FIVE days from now!!! They start the process on Sunday night, and we go from there!!! Thank you all for your prayers- I'm convinced that's the only thing that kept him in there thus far, and please pray for a safe delivery!! We'll update as things progress... I have a sonogram Friday to make sure he is still in position and check his weight again, and then there's no holding back!!!


Lara Lynn said...

That is so exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of Grant and will continue to pray for you over the next days, weeks, and months.

jamie b said...

Quick update for everyone...Lyndi's water broke this afternoon while she and Penny were out shopping. It is 5:30 eastern time and they are at the hospital waiting on a room! YAY!

Pray for Lyndi, Grant, the doctors and nurses. And of course, Ferrell, as he'll be her coach.

Trish P. said...

Lyndi, Jamie was so great to give us the news of your water breaking. We prayed for you last night before going to sleep and I continue to pray for you today. We hope everything went smoothly and Grant is already here!