Monday, April 28, 2008

How Much Longer?????

Hmmmmm.... That seems to be the going question these days!! We are 35 weeks now, and go to the doctor tomorrow. It's funny, when you are on bedrest, you look forward to getting "dressed up" for a doctor's visit. Sad, huh!! We are doing great though- Grant is growing daily, and he is healthy. That's all we can ask for! It might be three more days, or three more weeks, only God knows. But, we do know God knows exactly what Baby Grant needs, and we are learning patience as we've never known right now! Mom has been wonderful, as she has been down here 99% of the time, doing everything I can't do right now. Grant will be her reward- she can't wait either! :) Thank you all for your prayers and encouagement during this time- it means so much to us. If we have any "news" tomorrow, we'll post it for you. And, Grant's name will be Grant Davidson Soles- Davidson is a family name. We love you!!!